Where the widebodies are - domestically
XMNCTUSichuan Airlines (3U)330
XMNCTUSichuan Airlines (3U)332
XMNPEKAir China (CA)330
XMNPEKAir China (CA)332
XMNPEKAir China (CA)333
XMNPEKAir China (CA)359
XMNPEKAir China (CA)789
XMNCGOXiamen Airlines (MF)789
XMNCKGXiamen Airlines (MF)789
XMNKMGXiamen Airlines (MF)788
XMNKMGXiamen Airlines (MF)789
XMNPKXXiamen Airlines (MF)788
XMNSHAXiamen Airlines (MF)788
XMNSHAXiamen Airlines (MF)789
XMNSYXXiamen Airlines (MF)788
XMNTFUXiamen Airlines (MF)788
XMNTFUXiamen Airlines (MF)789
XMNXIYXiamen Airlines (MF)789
XMNSHAChina Eastern Airlines (MU)332

Map generated by the Great Circle Mapper - copyright © Karl L. Swartz.

Some routes may be charter or positioning segments or not sold to passengers due to traffic rights. Check with the airline(s) directly for more details.

Departure Airport:


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